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Psoriasis Treatment
Psoriasis treatment can control and reduce the aesthetic effects of psoriasis by improving redness, cracked skin, and flaking. Affecting millions of people every year, psoriasis is a skin condition that occurs when skin cells grow faster than the normal rate, leading to scaly buildups or patches on your skin. Psoriasis can present multiple symptoms that affect your skin, nails, and joints. Thanks to years of research, numerous treatments are available to ease and control the symptoms of psoriasis, including laser therapy, topical treatments, and oral medications. Our board certified dermatologists and physician assistants at Dermatology, Laser and Surgery of Flatiron can properly diagnosis psoriasis and formulate a treatment plan to help reduce symptoms, improve your complexion, and achieve clearer-looking skin.

Psoriasis Overview |
Can result in scaly red patches on the skin |
May affect patients of all ages, though most common between the ages of 20 and 60 |
May cause sore or stiff joints |
There are 5 different types of psoriasis overall |
Can lead to cracked or bleeding skin, as well as itching, flaking, or inflammation |
Can be correctly diagnosed by your dermatologist |
Thick or discolored nails may occur |
Laser therapy can help control and improve the appearance of psoriasis, as can topical and oral treatments |
What Is Psoriasis?
Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition caused by an overproduction of skin cells. During psoriasis, your body is unable to properly shed these skin cells, leading to buildups on the surface of your skin. Psoriasis can be triggered by stress, injuries to the skin, certain medications, and infections. Psoriasis can affect children and adults, though it most commonly begins between the ages of 20 and 60. There are 5 different types of psoriasis that each present themselves in different ways. Patients can be diagnosed with multiple types of psoriasis at once.
- Plaque Psoriasis: The most common form of psoriasis, plaque psoriasis is characterized by white, scaly buildups of cracked skin that may bleed or itch.
- Guttate Psoriasis: This form presents itself as small, round spots that appear red in color.
- Inverse Psoriasis: Inverse psoriasis is characterized by the formation of red lesions found in skin folds.
- Pustular Psoriasis: This type of psoriasis causes white pustules, or blisters, that appear raised and filled with fluid. Surrounding skin is typically red.
- Erythrodermic Psoriasis: Erythrodermic psoriasis is a rarer type that causes severe redness across large areas of the body. This form can also cause skin shedding, severe itching, and pain.
Psoriasis Treatment At A Glance:
Laser treatments, topical ointments, and oral medications can be used to control psoriasis. Laser therapy is used to deliver ultraviolet light to skin affected by psoriasis. Light energy can slow the growth of skin cells contributing to psoriasis and extend remission cycles for patients. Our dermatologists can discuss which treatments may be best for you during your psoriasis consultation.
Psoriasis Treatments |
Laser Psoriasis Treatment |
Sends ultraviolet light to target area(s) |
10-15 treatment sessions; follow-ups may be required to maintain results |
Can reduce aesthetic symptoms of psoriasis |
Non-invasive treatment, no recovery time necessary |
Topical Treatments |
Topical ointments and creams are applied to treatment area(s) |
Exact length of topical treatment cycles will vary depending on the product |
Can ease psoriasis symptoms and reduce occurrences |
Non-invasive, no healing time required |
Oral Medications |
Medications are taken orally |
Length of oral prescriptions vary according to the specific medication |
Can control psoriasis flare-ups for patients who have not responded to topical treatments |
Non-invasive, requires no downtime |
How Many Laser Psoriasis Treatments Are Required?
Anywhere from 10-15 laser psoriasis treatments are recommended for optimal results and patients may require continuing follow-ups to maintain results. Our dermatologists at Dermatology, Laser and Surgery of Flatiron can further discuss the details of your psoriasis procedure during your in-office consultation.
Who Is Considered An Ideal Candidate For Psoriasis Treatment?
Patients who have been diagnosed with psoriasis and are looking to reduce symptoms may be candidates for psoriasis treatment. Our team at Dermatology, Laser and Surgery of Flatiron can help advise whether psoriasis treatment is right for you during your consultation at our New York City offices.
Is Anesthesia Recommended?
Patients do not usually require local or general anesthesia when undergoing laser psoriasis treatment. A topical numbing cream may be used to minimize discomfort.
What Should I Expect After Undergoing Treatment For Psoriasis?
Sensitivity and redness around the treatment area are common after laser psoriasis treatment, but should subside within a few days. Most patients resume their daily activities immediately.
What Kind Of Psoriasis Treatment Results Can I Expect?
Laser psoriasis treatment, topical ointments, and oral medications can each reduce the symptoms of psoriasis and control flare-ups. Laser therapy can reduce redness, scaly patches, itching, and cracking skin caused by psoriasis.
How Do I Get Started With Psoriasis Treatment?
The doctors and staff at Dermatology, Laser and Surgery of Flatiron would be happy to discuss your psoriasis treatment in more detail. Please give us a call at 212-982-8229 or request an appointment online for a personal consultation at our New York offices.